EUROSTAT, 17 October 2014, 141 pages
In 2013 Eurostat published the first working paper on Trafficking in Human Beings in Europe. This publication constitutes the second working paper at the EU level on statistics on trafficking in human beings and contains data for the years 2010, 2011 and 2012.
This second working paper includes statistical data from all 28 EU Member States and the following EU Candidate and EFTA/EEA (Iceland, Norway) countries: Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey. The totals and percentages in the working paper are based on data from the EU Member States. Where relevant, the number of Member States providing data, and on which the statistics are based, is also given. Data from the non-EU countries have been highlighted separately in some sections.
Since the first working paper, encouraging progress has been achieved in terms of availability of data. This working paper reaffirms the need for further improvement, as more comprehensive and comparable data will allow for a more accurate assessment of the nature of the problem, as well as more accurate conclusions at EU level.