sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011

On Project Border Woman-Mujer Frontera

Dear friends,
It is with joy and excitement that we present to you the web of the Border Woman Project. It is a project that has been developed with women who have suffered trafficking: they have joined the project as agents of change instead of victims.

The goals of the Project have been to:
  • Document and show the agency of women survivors in assessing and suggesting policies and actions in support of women who have been trafficked.
  • Highlight the experiences and strategies developed by women to cope and eventually escape from trafficking.

The action-research project was conducted in the Philippines, USA, Colombia and Spain with women from Colombia, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador, Argentina, Romania, Philippines, Senegal, Morocco and Bolivia. These women had the following profiles:

  • Women who suffered different forms of trafficking: sexual exploitation, organ removal (especially ovules), bonded marriage, forced marriage, forced begging, labor exploitation in slavery conditions.
  • Women who escaped from trafficking in different time horizons: some had escaped just recently (weeks or months ago); others had suffered trafficking more than ten years earlier.
  • Women who had reported their situation and had followed the institutional support procedures, as well as women who chose not to report and found alternative support mechanisms.
We hope you find this analysis and proposals interesting. We also invite you to replicate elsewhere this experience of empowering women who have suffered trafficking .

We would highly appreciate if you help us disseminate this project. Your comments in our blog would also be very welcome by the women of this project.

Please let us know whether you would be interested in receiving the materials we still are working on (the handbook and the stories), or in upcoming training sessions.

Best wishes,
Be informed that we have developed our web and blog without budget or much technical expertise; please bear with us. 


Estimadas amigas y amigos,
Es un placer compartir con vosotras la web del proyecto Mujer Frontera. Un proyecto realizado con mujeres víctimas de la trata que participaron como mujeres activas en lugar de víctimas observadas.

Con este proyecto se ha querido:
  • Hacer visibles a las mujeres que han sufrido la trata como personas capaces de proponer y de evaluar políticas o acciones relacionadas con la atención a mujeres víctimas de la trata.
  • Dar valor a las experiencias y estrategias que han desarrollado para soportar, afrontar y superar la trata.

La investigación-acción se realizó en Filipinas, Estados Unidos, Colombia y España. Participaron mujeres de Colombia, Pakistán, Etiopía, Guatemala, México, El Salvador, Argentina, Rumanía, Filipinas, Senegal, Marruecos y Bolivia, con el siguiente perfil:

  • Mujeres que han sufrido la trata con diferentes finalidades: explotación sexual, extracción de órganos (óvulos), matrimonios serviles, matrimonios forzados, mendicidad ajena, explotación doméstica y explotación laboral en régimen de esclavitud. 
  • Mujeres que escaparon de la trata en diferentes momentos: desde mujeres que salieron recientemente (pocas semanas o meses), hasta casos de más de 10 años.
  • Mujeres que han denunciado y seguido un circuito institucional de atención, y mujeres que han preferido no denunciar y buscar mecanismos alternativos de apoyo.
Esperamos que los análisis y las propuestas que han desarrollado estas mujeres sean de vuestro interés. Al mismo tiempo os invitamos a replicar esta experiencia de empoderamiento de mujeres que han sufrido la trata.  

Si nos quieren ayudar os animamos a difundir el proyecto. También pueden dejar sus impresiones en el blog, que seguro serán recibidas con mucho cariño por las mujeres.  Y avísennos si están interesadas en recibir los materiales que faltan por terminar  (el manual y los cuentos), o en apoyar acciones que faltan como las formaciones que aún tenemos pensado realizar.

Reciban un afectuoso saludo,
(La web y el blog se mantienen con mucho cariño pero  sin recursos y de forma artesanal)

1 comentario:

  1. Congratulations!! useful information for us Shelter Workers. The Inter-Americas network of women's shelters explored this issue two years ago in our meetings which were held in Guatemala. Shelters often provide services to victims of human trafficking. This reality moved us to create policies to safely transfer women from shelter to shelter internationally. The protocols were developed this year in August in Antigua Guatemala. 11 Countries signed the protocols and shelters have began to be trained on them. Shelters have a long history of protecting and supporting women experiencing violence. We provide services with a philosophy of empowerment and human rights, therefore it is appropriate that our services be extended to those women who experience trafficking.

    Pat Vargas, Executive Director
    A Safe Place (shelter for women and their children)
