viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012


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Trafficking in Persons Report 2012

Secretary Clinton (June 19): "This report ... gives a clear and honest assessment of where all of us are making progress on our commitments and where we are either standing still or even sliding backwards. ... This year’s report tells us that we are making a lot of progress. Twenty-nine countries were upgraded from a lower tier to a higher one, which means that their governments are taking the right steps. This could mean enacting strong laws, stepping up their investigations and prosecutions, or simply laying out a roadmap of steps they will take to respond." Full Text» More» Fact Sheets»

The Report

The 2012 Trafficking in Persons Report report is available in PDF and HTML formats. Due to its large size, the PDF has been separated into sections for easier download. To view the PDF file, you will need to download, at no cost, the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

UN expert calls for justice for all victims of human trafficking … even the ‘imperfect’ ones

GENEVA (26 June 2012) – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, Joy Ngozi Ezeilo, said that the human rights of trafficked persons are not yet the primary consideration when it comes to effective criminal justice responses to trafficking, and urged world governments to adopt clear and enforceable laws based on respect for the rights of trafficked persons.
In her annual report* to the UN Human Rights Council, Ms. Ezeilo offered a list of observations and recommendations to States, including the enactment and enforcement of clear and comprehensive legislation criminalizing trafficking and related acts, the proper identification of victims of trafficking, the provision of protection and support to victims of trafficking, and making traffickers pay for their victims’ restitution and compensation.
“While many States have made important progress in prosecuting and punishing traffickers,” the human rights expert said, “many challenges remain in terms of commitment and capacity in implementing a rights-based approach to prosecuting the crime of trafficking.” These are some of her observations:
Criminalization of trafficking and other related acts:“Criminalization per se is not an end in itself. It must be accompanied by the effective enforcement of the law and the imposition of appropriate punishments for trafficking and related offences.”
“In addition to criminalizing trafficking in persons, States must ensure the criminalization of other crimes relating to trafficking in persons, including – but not limited to – corruption, money-laundering, debt bondage, obstruction of justice and participation in organized criminal groups.”
Proper identification of trafficked persons:“Timely and accurate identification of victims is crucial for effective criminal justice responses to trafficking, as it affects the ability of law enforcement officials to prosecute traffickers and allows the provision of necessary support services to trafficked persons.”
“The identification of trafficked persons is often complex and in practice, trafficked persons are often arrested, detained and charged as smuggled or undocumented workers.” She also noted that efforts to distinguish victims from perpetrators are often complicated by the problem of ‘imperfect’ victims, who may have committed crimes, whether willingly or as a result of force, fraud or coercion, in the process of becoming a trafficking victim.
Protection of trafficked persons:“Victims of trafficking play a critical role in the criminal prosecution of traffickers and their accomplices” and are “entitled to immediate protection and support” by virtue of their status as victims of trafficking.
“Criminalization and/or detention of victims of trafficking is incompatible with a rights-based approach to trafficking because it inevitably compounds the harm already experienced by trafficked persons and denies them the rights to which they are entitled.”
Cooperation between criminal justice and victim support agencies: “Any effective anti-trafficking effort must involve close collaboration between criminal justice agencies and victim support agencies, including non-governmental organizations”.
“Working at the forefront and on the ground, victim support agencies will often be the first to come into contact with trafficked persons; they thus serve a fundamental function by referring victims to the appropriate authorities for assistance, helping to file complaints and reporting illegal activity to law enforcement”.
Improving investigations and prosecutions: “Training is an important component of anti-trafficking strategies, and the development of specialized anti-trafficking units may assist States to strengthen capacity to investigate and prosecute trafficking. Such units must be bound by clear mandates to address anti-trafficking matters, and be adequately equipped and funded.”
Having the traffickers pay for their victims’ restitution and compensation:“Asset recovery plays an important role in effective criminal justice responses to trafficking, not only because it undermines the financial gain of traffickers, but also linking asset seizure to victim support is in line with a rights-based approach to human trafficking.”
“While I commend laws in some States which explicitly provide that restitution and compensation be made to victims of trafficking out of the proceeds of assets seizure, such proceeds have reportedly failed to be distributed to victims in some instances.”
Joy Ngozi Ezeilo (Nigeria) started her mandate as Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially in women and children in August 2008. Ms. Ezeilo is a human rights lawyer and professor at the University of Nigeria. She has served in various governmental capacities and consulted for various international organizations, and is currently involved in several NGOs, particularly working on women’s rights. Ms. Ezeilo was conferred with a national honour (Officer of the Order of Nigeria) in 2006 for her work as a human right defender. Learn more, log on to:
(*) The full report:
Watch the Special Rapporteur on OHCHR YouTube channel:
The Special Rapporteur also presented two country mission reports:

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Joy Ngozi Ezeilo. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children

Biography sketch of Joy Ngozi Ezeilo (Oon)

Joy Ngozi Ezeilo is a lawyer, feminist and scholar/activist. She earned a post graduate degree in law (LLM) from Queen Mary College, University of London, and a BL from the Nigerian Law School. She is a Senior Lecturer and teaches law at the University of Nigeria (Enugu Campus). She attended the International Institute of Human Rights and the International Centre for University Teaching of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France. She holds a diploma in gender studies and also a diploma in peace studies and conflict resolution from CODESRIA, Dakar and the Uppsala University, Sweden.
Joy Ezeilo, was appointed the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, especially women and children (2008-2011) in June 2008 and took up office in August 2008.
She has served Nigerian governments at both the state and federal levels in different capacities; notably as the Honourable Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Development, Enugu State (2003-2004), and a federal delegate to the National Political Reform Conference. Recently, she was appointed by the Honourable Attorney General and the Minister for Justice to chair the Committee drafting a Bill Elimination of Violence and by the Enugu State Governor as a member of the Governing Council of Citizen’s Rights and Mediation Center, Enugu.
Joy Ezeilo is actively involved in the Civil Society Movement in Nigeria particularly in the areas of human rights, democracy and good governance. She is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Women’s Aid Collective (WACOL), a non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting and protecting the human rights of women and young people. She is the Convener of the South East Women Network (SEWNET), and the founder and moderator of the West African Women Rights Coalition (WAWORC) and has under that mandate initiated the “Say No to Violence Against Women and Girls Campaign” among others.
Joy Ezeilo is a recipient of the prestigious British Chevening scholarship and a grantee of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s Funds for Leadership Development. She has also received several national and international awards, including the International Visitors Award of the African Studies Association, USA (2001); the Peace Service Award from the African Center for Peace & Conflict Resolution, California State University, Sacramento  for her pro bono legal aid work for poor and vulnerable women and girls (April:2006); the Community Service Awards from Rotary International, Soroptimist International, and the Rotaract Club;  and the Outstanding Performance Award from the Ezeagu Local Government Council, Enugu State.
In 2003, His Royal Highness Igwe G. Eko of Ihe installed her as Chief Ada Eji Eje Mba I  of Ihe and  in 2004, His Royal Highness Igwe J. Nnaji conferred on her the Ochendo title for her humanitarian work in Nigeria and beyond. She was invested with Peace Service Award by the California State University, Sacramento in April 2006. Recently, her LGA- Ezeagu (October 2006) honoured her with another Chieftaincy title- Nne Ezeagu.
In 1999, Joy Ezeilo was a Fellow-in-Residence at the Humanities Research Institute, University of California, Irvine and in 2001, she was invited to the University of California, Riverside, as a Regent Professor. She has served as a consultant/trainer in human rights, gender issues, governance and conflict resolution to many international and national organisations including Nigerian Judicial Institute (NJI), UNDP, UNIFEM, UNICEF, USAID, MACARTHUR FOUNDATION, UNFPA, Federal Ministry Of Health, Federal Ministry of Women Affairs (MDG Fund), CRLP (now Center for Reproductive Rights), OSIWA, CODESRIA, British Council, Global Rights, Partners for Justice (formerly International Human Rights Law Group, DFID: Security Justice & Growth (SJG), and Partnership For Transformation Of Health System (PATHS), SRIP/EU, Federal Ministry of Women Affairs, Abuja, Open Society Initiative For Southern Africa (OSISA), Center for Democracy and Development, West Africa (CDD) etc.
She pioneered the teaching of the course, “Women, Children and the Law,” at the University of Nigeria since 1997 and also the adoption of a curriculum and the teaching of Health Law/Reproductive Rights in Nigerian Universities through her organization WACOL. She has published extensively in the areas of human rights, women and children’s rights, and health law, including HIV and AIDS, in Nigeria and Africa in general.
In recognition of her outstanding contributions to nation building in the area of legal scholarship, advocacy, civil society movement and community service, Ms. Joy Ezeilo, popularly called Ochendo, was conferred with the National honour of Officer of the Order of Niger (OON) by Mr. President Olusegun Obasanjo (GCFR) in December 2006.
Joy Ezeilo is married to a medical doctor, Augustine Ezenta Ezeilo, who is the Enugu State Director of Public Health. They have three children—Chidulue, Nnenna and Onyinye.  Ezeilo’s hobbies include travelling, reading and dancing.

Smuggling of migrants generates billions of dollars each year for criminals

Smuggling of migrants generates billions of dollars each year for criminals

UNODC campaign on transnational organised crime (TOC)

6 September 2012 - Each year, criminals are estimated to generate around $6.75 billion from the smuggling of migrants along just two of the principal routes used for such smuggling, namely from East, North and West Africa to Europe and from South America to North America. As a form of transnational organized crime, the smuggling of migrants is the subject of a new campaign by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Information on the awareness campaign, which aims to draw attention to the various aspects of transnational organized crime, can be found at and includes a video which is being made available at and through international broadcasters. The web page and video illustrate the key financial and social costs behind organized crime, including those concerning the smuggling of migrants. The campaign page includes a dedicated section and fact sheet on the smuggling of migrants, available at
"Smuggling of migrants" refers to the facilitation of illegal border crossings or of illegal residence in a country with the aim of making a financial or other material profit. Migrants are often smuggled by organized criminal networks that exploit the lack of legal migration opportunities available to migrants seeking a better life. As legal immigration channels become more limited, an increasing number of people seek the assistance of smugglers, who take increasingly risky measures to circumvent border controls. Since the smuggling of migrants is a highly profitable illicit activity with a relatively low risk of detection, it has proven attractive to criminals.
Evidence indicates that smugglers are becoming more and more organized, establishing professional networks that transcend borders and encompass all regions. As with other forms of organized crime, the groups concerned have increased their operations by shifting routes in a bid to expand into other markets.
Smuggling routes may originate and end on the same continent, be transcontinental or involve transit through a third continent. In the Americas, an estimated three million illegal migrants enter the United States of America from Latin America each year, which generates an annual income of about $6.6 billion for the criminals involved. Some 55,000 migrants are thought to be smuggled between East, North and West Africa and Europe every year, earning criminals a net profit of $150 million.
As smuggling networks expand, the safety and lives of smuggled migrants continue to be at risk: many suffocate in containers, perish in deserts or drown at sea while being smuggled. Between 1996 and 2011, at least 1,691 people died while attempting desert journeys, and in 2008 alone a further 1,000 deaths occurred as a result of sea crossings.
Besides loss of life and the grave human rights abuses suffered by migrants as they undertake arduous and risky journeys, the smuggling of migrants fuels other forms of organized crime in the countries of origin, transit and destination. Smugglers are known to bribe government or border officials in exchange for documentation, thereby increasing corruption. Smugglers are also known to falsify travel and identity documents both for themselves and for those being smuggled.
The key to combating the smuggling of migrants is to increase international cooperation, reinforce national coordination and ensure that the laws of the countries involved are harmonized in order to close legal loopholes, since the practice is by nature a transnational crime and the smugglers involved operate in networks. In addition, issues of migration and development need to be examined closely in order to better understand the root causes and prevent organized criminal groups from profiting from vulnerable groups.
As the guardian of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, UNODC works to help Member States to implement the two instruments following their ratification. The Smuggling of Migrants Protocol aims to prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants, protect the rights of smuggled migrants and promote cooperation among States.
UNODC also helps States to enact laws criminalizing involvement in the smuggling of migrants and trains law enforcement officers and prosecutors from around the world in how to deal with smuggling cases.
In July 2012, UNODC assumed the chairpersonship of the Global Migration Group, a United Nations inter-agency group bringing together heads of agencies to promote the wider application of all relevant international and regional instruments and standards relating to migration and to encourage the adoption of more coherent, comprehensive and better coordinated approaches to the issue of international migration.

Experta de la ONU aboga por justicia para víctimas de trata

Experta de la ONU aboga por justicia para víctimas de trata

26 de junio, 2012 - La relatora especial de la ONU sobre trata de personas urgió hoy a los gobiernos de todos los países a adoptar leyes claras que tengan como base los derechos humanos de las víctimas para responder a ese delito de manera justa.
En su informe anual al Consejo de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas, Joy Ngozi Ezeilo aseveró que, en general, la respuesta de la justicia penal a la trata no tiene como prioridad las garantías fundamentales de las personas que han sufrido ese flagelo.

Por este motivo, Ezeilo llamó a los Estados a elaborar legislaciones que penalicen la trata y las actividades relacionadas, además de proveer protección y apoyo a las víctimas y obligar a los traficantes a pagarles una compensación.

La experta reconoció que muchos países han logrado avances importantes pero recordó que la penalización no garantiza el fin de ese delito, sino que debe cumplirse la ley a cabalidad y se deben imponer castigos adecuados a los responsables de trata.

Además, pugnó por enjuiciar a quienes comentan delitos relacionados con la trata, como pueden ser la corrupción, el lavado de dinero, la servidumbre por deuda, la obstrucción de la justicia y la participación en redes criminales.

La Unión Europea aprueba derechos básicos para víctimas de todo tipo de delitos

Información que hemos conseguido gracias al blog de 

Buenas noticias!!!

Se prevé:
1. La realización de acciones de sensibilización sobre la situación de las víctimas y sus necesidades;
2. La realización de una evaluación individualizada que tenga en cuenta su edad, sexo, religión, orientación sexual y circunstancias del crimen;
3. Dar cobertura psicológica, jurídica y lingüística a las víctimas.
Este esfuerzo de armonización y coordinación por ofrecer un mínimo trato, de servicios y garantías independientemente del lugar en dónde hayas podido ser víctima, sin lugar a dudas es avanzar desde una perspectiva de derechos en la protección efectiva de las víctimas.
Una reflexión necesaria también para España… que por ahora, no ha logrado armonizar tampoco la protección y atención que ofrece (en este caso a las víctimas de la trata) independientemente del lugar en donde ha sido identificadas. En función de la CCAA en donde ha sido identificada, la persona cuenta con más o menos oportunidades, servicios…

Documental Esclavos Invisibles.

Ducumental de MTV Latinoamerica en conjunto con Calle 13 y UNICEF que muestra la dura vida que muchos jovenes de latinoamerica soportan a diario, siendo explotados laboralmente como sexualmente.

Documental Esclavos Invisibles (Parte 3-3)

La Defensora del Pueblo presenta el informe 'La trata de seres humanos en España'

La Defensora del Pueblo, Soledad Becerril, ha presentado el informe "La trata de seres humanos en España: víctimas invisibles", que recoge el resultado de un centenar de investigaciones, entrevistas con 59 víctimas y detalla varios casos reales sobre los que se ha tenido conocimiento.


9.30-10.00h: Inscripción participantes
10.00-10.45h: Presentación de la jornada
Sra. Francina Vila
Regidora de Dona i Drets Civils. Ajuntament de Barcelona
Sra. Montserrat Gatell
Presidenta de l’Institut Català de les Dones. Generalitat de Catalunya
Sra. Elisa Altadill
Provincial Adoratrices España
Sra. Encarna Jordán  
Directora SICAR cat  
10.45-11.00h: Acto de inauguración
11.00-12.00h: Conferencia: “El papel del afecto y la solidaridad de género para el apoyo y
la promoción de la resiliencia de las mujeres víctimas de trata”
Dr. Jorge Barudy, (Fundación Exil y IFIV)
12.00-12.20h: Coffe Break
12.20-14.00h: Mesa Redonda: IIª Evaluación de Impacto en la Intervención con Víctimas
de la Trata.
Introducción al estudio
Sra. Beatriz Lorente (SICAR cat)
10 años: ¿Qué ha pasado?
Sra. Rosa Cendón (SICAR cat)
Recuperando Derechos, Progresando en Dignidad
Sr. Antonio Rivas (Proyecto ESPERANZA)
Cultura Moral: Una aproximación des de la intervención
Dra. Mónica Gijón (Universidad de Barcelona)
14.00-15.30h: Comida
15.30-16.00h: Performance
16.00-18.00h: “La inteligencia emocional como ventaja profesional”
Sra. Laura Mari (Inteligencia Emocional Interpersonal)
18.00 : Cierre de la jornada y celebración final

La Trata de seres humanos en España. Víctimas invisibles.

Un video con testimonios, realizado por el Defensor del Pueblo.
 La trata en España aun es invisible para la mayoría de personas.
Gracias al Defensor del Pueblo y al Proyecto Esperanza por este material.