martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

Over fifty percent of 1,470 Pilipino women trafficked in Syria, from ARMM

COTABATO CITY - Officials of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) recently reported that human trafficking remains a problem in region, with over half of the 1,470 women trafficked to Syria in 2012 hailing from those parts.

These findings were disclosed by Laisa Alamia, ARMM executive secretary, at a two-day seminar on human trafficking.  Alaima revealed that of the 1,470 women victims of officially reported human trafficking cases in Syria, at least 605 are from the ARMM provinces of Lanao del Sur, Basilan, Tawi-Tawi, Sulu and Maguindanao.

Alamia pointed to poverty and armed conflict as the culprits for driving women to desperation, forcing them to cling to false promises of jobs.

The ARMM is the poorest region in the country, with a poverty incidence of 46.9 percent in 2012, compared with the 2012 national poverty incidence of 22.3 percent.

Figures from the National Statistical Coordination Board show that 47 out of every 100 families in the ARMM are poor, compared to 22 out of every 100 in the national level.

Alama said that there are reports yet to be verified, as well, that traffickers target minors in the ARMM and force them to work as prostitutes in Metro Manila.

The Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking added that the problem of trafficking in the region is aided by low literacy rates.

The ARMM has maintained the lowest literacy rate in the country since 2008, with barely over 70 percent literacy, compared with the rest of the nation’s 86.4 percent.

According to former senator Santanina Rasul continuing armed conflicts in some areas in the ARMM are major impediments to the implementation of successful education programs.

Alamia also noted that traffickers likewise take advantage of people displaced by armed conflict.

Compounding the problem is the refusal and hesitancy of victims to file charges against traffickers, after receiving threats or being bribed into silence.

 “Not a single case of human trafficking in the region has been filed despite the soaring number of incidents,” she said.

ARMM Gov. Mujiv Hataman said that he is trying to change the situation with the creation of an executive order to strengthen regional anti-human trafficking efforts.

He also ordered the release of an initial amount of P2 million to encourage victims of human trafficking to file cases against their recruiters. 
- See more at:

La Trata en Colombia

Informe realizado por Women´s Link   (2013)

La trata y la explotación en Colombia: no se quiere ver, no se puede hablar

Con la publicación “La trata y la explotación en Colombia: no se quiere ver, no se puede hablar” en Women’s Link hemos investigado la realidad de Colombia como país no sólo de tránsito y destino, sino también de origen de mujeres y niñas víctimas de trata de personas. Teniendo en cuenta que durante las investigaciones realizadas para los anteriores informes publicados detectamos que una gran mayoría de las mujeres víctimas de trata eran captadas en América Latina, (es por esto que) decidimos iniciar un proceso de documentación sobre la situación de las mujeres víctimas de la trata de personas en Colombia. Esta publicación tiene como objetivo principal dar voz a las mujeres y niñas víctimas de la trata de personas en Colombia, denunciar a través de sus historias las violaciones de derechos humanos las que son sometidas y aportar al trabajo de las organizaciones que trabajan en el tema en el país.

Informe del Defensor del Pueblo sobre la Trata en España

Víctimas Invisibles

Link para bajarlo


viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Hora 25: España, puerta de Europa para el tráfico de personas (14/11/13)

Uno de cada cinco niños y una de cada siete mujeres que han llegado a España en patera entre enero y junio de este año es víctima de trata. Nuestro país, lugar de entrada y tránsito hacia Europa de mujeres y niños víctimas de tráfico de seres humanos.


miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013

EU Strategy towards the eradication of trafficking in human beings 2012-2016.

Guidelines on identification of victims
The importance of early identification of victims of trafficking in human beings is reflected both in the Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combatting trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims as well as EU Strategy towards the eradication of trafficking in human beings 2012-2016.
In order to ensure better coordination and increase coherence in this area, as well as bearing in mind the projects funded by the Commission, the Commission publishes this Reference document on the Guidelines for the identification of victims of trafficking in human beings especially for border guards and consular services.
The document provides for a list of indicative guidelines, refers to the existing handbooks and manuals and lists the projects on the identification of victims, in particular those targeting consular services and border guards and thus encourage their systematic use by the respective officials. In order to avoid duplication and to ensure that this brochure is of practical use for front-line officers, a user friendly format has been chosen and only indicative guidelines have been listed.
The EU rights of victims of trafficking now available in all European languages
European Commission-DG Home Affairs, 2013, 32 pages
In order to better assist practitioners and authorities in the Member States to deliver the assistance and protection to victims, the European Commission publishes the document 'The EU rights of victims of trafficking' in all official EU languages.
The EU approach places the victim and its human rights at the centre of its coordinated, multidisciplinary action to work towards eradication of trafficking in human beings.
This document provides a practical and comprehensive overview of victims' rights based on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, EU directives, framework decisions and European Court of Human Rights case law.
The overview will be used by victims and practitioners working in the field of trafficking in human beings and will contribute to the effective realisation of these rights by helping authorities in the Member States to deliver the assistance and protection that victims need and deserve. It does in no way constitute a binding interpretation of EU legislation. All rights need to be read within the context of the full legal provision and appropriate legislation.
Trafficking in Human Beings and Gender – the EU Perspective
30 September 2013 - EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström delivered a statement at the Ministerial Round Table concluding the Inter-ministerial conference: "The New York Convention 65 years later: observations and new perspectives", co-organized by Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium and Minister for Home Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Joëlle Milquet and the Minister for Women's Rights of France, Najat Vallaud Belkacem in Brussels on 30 September 2013.
In her speech Commissioner Malmström stressed that human trafficking is a gross human rights violation. She highlighted that eradicating human trafficking must take into account the gendered dimension thereof and that we must take action to reduce demand for sexual exploitation, including by considering to criminalise those who knowingly use the services of victims of trafficking. She further stressed the links between trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation and prostitution.  She further highlighted that trafficking of women and girls is a form of violence against women, which is rooted in gender inequalities and in sex discrimination. Commissioner Malmström stressed that it is crucial that all EU Member States transpose the EU Human Trafficking Directive, and make sure its provisions are fully implemented.

lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013



List of acronyms 5
Introduction 7
Core Concepts: trafficking and integration 13
Trafficking 14
Integration 18
Bringing together Trafficking and integration 22
Comparison of FIIT country case studies 27
Status: the legal basis to remain and integrate 29
Safety and Security: Initial Psycho-social assistance and needs 36
Shelter 38
Employment 40
Access to welfare and social assistance 42
The differing situations of third-country nationals and EU citizens 46
Analysis and reflections in a broader context 48
Conclusions and recommendations 53
Distinctions 54
What do the five cases presented here offer as beneficial practices
to overcome these obstacles to integration and to enhance
this two-way process? 55
Bibliography 63
Annex 1: Questionnaires 69
Annex 2: Synthetic Matrix 82

martes, 11 de junio de 2013

A Guide to the Trafficking of Women

Dear reader,
This Guide on Trafficking of Women is the product of three years of work of women who have escaped trafficking. Through an innovative and empowering research exercise, victims of trafficking became agents of analysis and change. Instead of focusing on the tragic side of their experience, they shared among themselves how they managed to escape from trafficking and rebuild their lives. They discussed the existing support mechanisms; they scrutinized the core policy instruments and they eventually summarized their own experience and recommendations in this publication.

The Guide on Trafficking of Womenhas been produced by Border Woman, a network of women who have managed to come out from trafficking. It is a document written by trafficking survivors for trafficking victims, as well as for policymakers and social and institutional agents concerned with preventing and combating trafficking.

Guia Trata de Mujeres

Esta Guía sobre Trata de Mujeres es el producto de tres años de investigación por parte de mujeres que han escpadado de la trata. A través de un proceso de investigación innovador y empoderador, mujeres que fueron víctimas de la trata se convirtieron en actores de análisis y cambio. En vez de centrarse en la parte trágica de su experiencia, dialogaron y compartieron sus experiencias sobre cómo salir de la trata y rehacer sus vidas. Analizaron los mecanismos de apoyo a víctimas; investigaron sobre los manuales e instrumentos; y finalmente decidieron resumir sus propuas experiencias y recomendaciones en esta publicación.

La Guía sobre Trata de Mujeres ha sido producida por Mujer Frontera, una red de mujeres que han logrado salir de la trata. Es un documento escrito por mujeres supervivientes para mujeres víctimas. También está dirigido a personas, organizaciones a instituciones que trabajan en la prevención de la trata y la asistencia a víctimas.

viernes, 19 de abril de 2013

Transnational Organized Crime in East Asia and the Pacific: A Threat Assessment

This report is one of several studies conducted by UNODC on organized crime threats around the world. These studies describe what is known about the mechanics of contraband trafficking - the what, who, how, and how much of illicit flows - and discuss their potential impact on governance and development. Their primary role is diagnostic, but they also explore the implications of these findings for policy.
Link pdf:

Executive Summary


Smuggling of migrants and labour trafficking within the Greater Mekong Sub-Region

Trafficking of women and girls for sexual exploitation within the Greater Mekong Sub-Region

Migrant smuggling from East and Southeast Asia to the United States and the European Union

Migrant smuggling from South and West Asia through Southeast Asia to Australia and Canada

Trafficking of opiates from Myanmar and Afghanistan into East Asia and the Pacific

Trafficking of methamphetamines from Myanmar and China to the region

The illegal wildlife trade in East Asia and the Pacific

Illicit trade in wood-based products from the region to the world

Illicit trade in electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) from the world to the region

Illicit trade in ozone-depleting substances (ODS) from East Asia to the world

Counterfeit consumer goods from East Asia to the United States and the European Union

Fraudulent essential medicines from East Asia to Southeast Asia and Africa

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Trata de seres humanos: basta de evasivas, dice la UE Cecilia Malmström. Comisaria Europea de Asuntos de Interior

En mi mandato como Comisaria de la UE, he sido testigo de un cambio significativo en la lucha contra la esclavitud de nuestra época, la trata de seres humanos. Ahora hemos empezado a centrarnos en este tema y a debatirlo realmente. Hace apenas algunos años, muchos políticos destacados en Europa actuaban como si el problema no existiera, o no existiera en su país. Me dijeron que solo «determinadas» mujeres eran víctimas, o que la trata de seres humanos era principalmente solo un problema en los países vecinos de la UE. Desde entonces, los responsables políticos europeos han comprendido la auténtica magnitud del comercio de esclavos; han entendido que hombres, mujeres y niños son vendidos como mercancías dentro de Europa y a través de sus fronteras, y que una mayor cooperación internacional es la única manera de poner coto a los grupos de delincuencia organizada que controlan este comercio execrable.
Con bastante frecuencia vemos información publicada en los medios de comunicación sobre cargas policiales contra burdeles clandestinos, o en obras y granjas donde las víctimas son encerradas de noche o están demasiado asustadas para tratar de escapar. Hemos observado señales de bandas de delincuencia organizada mejorando su posiciones a medida que aumenta la demanda de los servicios que ofrecen en Europa, a la vez que empeoraba la crisis económica.
A día de hoy podemos afirmar con certeza que la situación se ha deteriorado. Según un nuevo informe presentado por la Comisión Europea, el número de víctimas confirmadas de la trata en España creció considerablemente entre 2009 y 2010, pasando de 443 a 1 605 personas. En el conjunto de la UE, el número de víctimas de la trata presuntas y confirmadas ha aumentado de 7 800 a 9 500 personas entre 2009 y 2010. También se supone que es considerable el número de casos no registrados.
A pesar de este aumento, apenas unos pocos países de la UE han aplicado el nuevo marco jurídico más contundente de la UE destinado a abordar la trata de seres humanos, si bien fue acordado por todos los Estados miembros en 2011. No más de 5 de los 27 Estados miembros de la UE han comunicado a la Comisión Europea que han transpuesto plenamente la nueva normativa a la legislación nacional. Lamentablemente, España no se encuentra entre estos 5 países. El plazo expiró el 6 de abril, tras un período de gracia de dos años. Ha llegado la hora de que los Estados miembros dejen de remolonear.? ?Con la nueva legislación, los tribunales de toda Europa juzgarán los delitos relativos a la trata de seres humanos atribuyéndoles la misma gravedad, y los países de la UE están obligados a proporcionar un apoyo adecuado a las víctimas. La introducción de un nuevo marco legislativo fue mi primer cometido como Comisaria de la UE, ya que las legislaciones de los Estados miembros eran muy diferentes. En algunos países, el comercio de personas se sancionaba con penas de encarcelamiento muy cortas. Ahora que hemos acordado agravar el castigo y dar un mejor apoyo a los afectados, es hora de que los Estados miembros aporten resultados.? ?En caso de duda, los responsables políticos deben echar un vistazo a las estadísticas de la Comisión Europea, la primera visión general de este tipo. El informe consiste en datos de diversas autoridades de cada país (policía, fiscales, agentes de fronteras e inspectores de trabajo, entre otros), así como de organizaciones de la sociedad civil que trabajan apoyando a las víctimas. Los resultados muestran que casi siete de cada diez víctimas de la trata en Europa son mujeres, el 17 % hombres y el 15 % niños. El 61 % procede de países de la UE, sobre todo Rumanía y Bulgaria, siendo Nigeria y China los países terceros de origen más frecuentes. El 62 % de las víctimas se vende con fines de explotación sexual, el 25 % para trabajos forzados y el 14 % para otras formas de explotación, como la mendicidad forzosa y retirada de órganos.? ?Un nuevo dato abrumador del informe es que el número de traficantes condenados por sus delitos es cada vez menor. En 2008, 1 534 personas fueron condenadas por trata de seres humanos en Europa. Dos años más tarde, ese número había disminuido en casi doscientas condenas. Como elemento positivo, no obstante, cabe señalar que un mayor número de víctimas de países terceros ya no son simplemente devueltas a sus países de origen. El número de permisos de residencia expedidos a víctimas de la trata de seres humanos aumentó en un 70 % entre 2008 y 2010.? ?En la actualidad, se está trabajando mucho en la UE para llegar a la raíz del problema. Se está llevando a cabo un número creciente de investigaciones conjuntas entre los Estados miembros y los servicios coercitivos de la UE, Europol y Eurojust. Estamos dedicando financiación comunitaria a investigar la manera en que este comercio afecta a las víctimas más vulnerables, como los niños. A finales del presente año, la Comisión Europea creará una plataforma europea de organizaciones de la sociedad civil que trabajan con víctimas.? ?No obstante, es preciso hacer más. Todos los países de la UE deben comenzar por aplicar la nueva legislación de la UE relativa a la trata y dar prioridad a las investigaciones y actuaciones judiciales contra estos delitos. De este modo se daría una señal alta y clara a las víctimas de que no permitiremos que continúe su sufrimiento.?

informe sobre Trata de Seres Humanos por Eurostat

Primer informe sobre Trata de Seres Humanos elaborado por Eurostat, la agencia estadística de la Unión Europea. 

Ese estudio recopila datos reales de la policía, de autoridades laborales, de inmigración y de fronteras, así como de diferentes ONG. La Comisión considera preocupantes los resultados y reprocha a los países no haber aplicado aún las normas comunitarias para combatir ese delito (solo 6 de los 27 lo han hecho; España no está entre ellos).
(Tomado por

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

E-book: EU Strategy Towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings 2012-2016

European Commission, February 2013, 20 pages
The European Commission released the e-book: “EU Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings 2012–2016”.
The e-book provides a more reader-friendly version of the EU Strategy and contains information on concrete and practical measures to be implemented over the next five years at EU level.
It explains how the European Commission seeks to focus on concrete measures, to complement the work done by governments, international organisations and civil society in the EU and third countries in addressing trafficking in human beings.


lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013

Operação Planeta da PF combate tráfico internacional de pessoas No âmbito da cooperação policial Brasil-Espanha, a Polícia Federal e a Polícia Espanhola (Cuerpo Nacional de Policia), desencadearam, a Operação Planeta, com o objetivo de desbaratar organizaç

Operação Planeta da PF combate tráfico internacional de pessoas  No âmbito da cooperação policial Brasil-Espanha, a Polícia Federal e a Polícia Espanhola (Cuerpo Nacional de Policia),  desencadearam, a Operação Planeta, com o objetivo de desbaratar organizaç

British slavery 'alive and well'

Britain needs a new 'modern slavery act' to stop hundreds of people in the UK falling victim to trafficking each year, according to the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ).

Sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, forced labour and criminality all featured in the cases the think-tank uncovered in its investigation into the 1,000-plus people in the UK who were trafficked in 2012.

The group condemns the government for its inadequate response, and is seeking significant changes, including a new slavery act, an anti-slavery commissioner and a change to the oversight of trafficking.
"Our research has uncovered a shocking underworld in which children and adults, many of them UK citizens, have been forced into lives of utter degradation,” said Christian Guy, managing director of the CSJ.

"Authorities are either failing to understand the nature of this abuse or turning a blind eye to its existence."

Since trafficking is a criminal matter, the policing minister rather than the immigration minister should deal with the issue, the CJS suggested.

It argued the appointment of an anti-slavery commissioner, modelled on the children's commissioner, could help in a counter-offensive against lawbreakers forcing people into labourers, servants and sex workers.

The authors of the report also want the Border Agency to abandon its role in trafficking cases to encourage more victims to come forward.

"Numerous victims of modern slavery are being prosecuted for offences they have committed as a result of being trafficked," Guy added.

"This may include immigration offences or, in cases where Vietnamese people, often minors are trafficked into the UK to work in one of the thousands of British cannabis farms, drugs offences."

Andrew Wallis, chief executive of anti-human trafficking charity Unseen and Working Group Chairman of the CSJ report, said that people in the UK are bought and sold as mere commodities for profit, gain or gratification.

"How on earth have we arrived at a place where there is no ambition or leadership to stamp out this appalling crime?" he asked.

martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

Guia de referência para Enfrentamento ao Tráfico de Pessoas


Um guia sobre Enfrentamento ao Tráfico de Pessoas foi lançado este mês pelo Ministério da Justiça. Com 148 páginas, o livro será distribuído em todos os estados que compõem a rede de Enfrentamento ao tráfico de Pessoas no Brasil. A tiragem inicial é de 1.000 exemplares.

A obra foi escrita pelo Departamento de Justiça e pelo Centro Internacional para o Desenvolvimento de Políticas Migratórias (International Centre for Migration Policy Development - ICMPD) da União Européia. Dividida em quatro capítulos, o texto aborda os temas: migração, tráfico de pessoas, tráfico de pessoas no Brasil e estrutura para o enfrentamento a esse tipo de crime.

O capítulo 2 trata das diferenças entre contrabando de migrantes e tráfico de pessoas de adultos e de crianças, além de abordar as diferentes modalidades de tráfico humano. O guia traz também uma lista com 22 indicadores do tráfico de pessoas. Por exemplo: acreditar que têm vontade de trabalhar contra sua vontade, dar indícios de ansiedade e medo, mostrar sinais que alguém está controlando seus movimentos, não conhecer o endereço de sua casa ou trabalho, ter uma interação limitada ou nula com a rede social.

O capítulo 3 traz um levantamento da legislação referente ao tráfico humano, os tratados assinados ou ratificados pelo Brasil e a legislação internacional relevante. 

E, por último, o capítulo 4 mostra como é possível buscar ajuda diante desse crime. Ao final, há uma listagem completa com os contatos de núcleos e postos de atendimento humanizado ao migrante instalados no país, de ongs que auxiliam as vítimas e uma explicação sobre os papéis dos órgãos que atuam no combate ao crime, como consulados e embaixadas e Polícia Federal.

Guia sobre Enfrentamento ao Tráfico de Pessoas, neste link:{02FA3701-A87E-4435-BA6D-1990C97194FE}&BrowserType=NN&LangID=pt-br&params=itemID%3D%7B6B0BA679-9609-4B8B-91BE-8C9AEE861BD3%7D%3B&UIPartUID=%7B2218FAF9-5230-431C-A9E3-E780D3E67DFE%7D

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

Shaking up Global Fight to End Human Trafficking

Over the weekend, academics and practitioners from across the U.S. gathered at the University of Southern California for a conference that aimed to challenge some of the bedrock assumptions and rhetoric that underpin the movement against trafficking in persons.
Hosted by Professors Rhacel Parreñas and Alice Echols, and the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII), the conference “From Prosecution to Empowerment,” addressed how the war on trafficking can be a vehicle for promoting the human and worker rights of migrants, how to reduce their vulnerability to abuse, and how to empower them in the process of labor migration.
Experts highlighted the complexity of the fight against trafficking in persons, discussing issues ranging from the legal framework to service provision, from domestic trafficking to international. A common thread heard throughout the conference was the potential for the anti-trafficking framework to be a powerful policy tool to promote migrant rights and empowerment. But the interpretation of the term “human trafficking” needs to be understood in a broader context of ending all forms of severe exploitation.

Some participants argued that the number of trafficked persons in the world – 2.4 million according to the United Nations – is actually a small subset of the total number of people suffering under forced labor and other exploitative conditions, but only those who meet the legal definition of “trafficked” are entitled to receive a range of services. Moreover, because the Convention on the Rights of All Migrant Workers is among the weakest of all human rights conventions, the potential for the relatively strong Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children (otherwise known as the Palermo Protocol) to protect a broader population of migrants is vast. One interpretation of the Protocol that could hold promise is to focus on the “harboring” aspect of the definition rather than “transporting,” as there are few if any cases of labor or other exploitation where the perpetrator does not confine the victim in some sense.
By moving away from a “transportation” focus, anti-trafficking approaches could also become disentangled from the issue of undocumented migration, allowing a greater focus on what truly matters at the end of the day: eliminating severe forms of exploitation and helping the women, men, and children who have suffered through horrific abuse in fields, homes, and brothels to rebuild their lives.

This, of course, is far easier said than done, as most governments are loathe to acknowledge the need for, much less provide, services and rights for migrant (particularly undocumented) populations – regardless of whether they have been exploited or not. Moreover, the situation becomes even more complicated when anti-prostitution laws and child labor laws come into play.
The perennial dearth of data on human trafficking and forced labor was also a significant focus of attention at the conference. Better understanding at-risk populations, how survivors have fared over time, and how to provide quality services for a broader population are pieces of an emerging research agenda that focuses not on obtaining global figures, but rather conducting empirical, in-depth studies that contribute to a more holistic and reliable narrative on human trafficking.
Of course the discussions unearthed more questions than answers – but these discussions elevated important new ideas and boldly questioned some of the long-held assumptions driving the global fight to end human trafficking. Thus, USC not only advanced this important conversation in innovative ways, but also made new connections among diverse members of the anti-trafficking community. Now organizations like The Asia Foundation have an exciting and daunting task ahead: put these new ideas into action.

Kate Francis is associate director of The Asia Foundation’s Women’s Empowerment Program in Washington, D.C. She can be reached The views and opinions expressed here are those of the individual author and not those of The Asia Foundation.