Over the weekend,
academics and practitioners from across the U.S. gathered at the University of
Southern California for a conference that aimed to challenge some of the
bedrock assumptions and rhetoric that underpin the movement against trafficking in persons.
Hosted by
Professors Rhacel Parreñas and Alice Echols, and the USC Center for the Study
of Immigrant Integration (CSII), the conference “From Prosecution to Empowerment,”
addressed how the war on trafficking can be a vehicle for promoting the human
and worker
rights of migrants, how to reduce their vulnerability to abuse, and how
to empower them in the process of labor migration.
highlighted the complexity of the fight against trafficking in persons,
discussing issues ranging from the legal framework to service provision, from
domestic trafficking to international. A common thread heard throughout the
conference was the potential for the anti-trafficking framework to be a
powerful policy tool to promote migrant rights and empowerment. But the
interpretation of the term “human trafficking” needs to be understood in a
broader context of ending all forms of severe exploitation.
participants argued that the number of trafficked persons in the world – 2.4
million according to the United Nations –
is actually a small subset of the total number of people suffering under forced labor and
other exploitative conditions, but only those who meet the legal definition of
“trafficked” are entitled to receive a range of services. Moreover, because the
Convention on the Rights of All Migrant Workers is among the weakest of all
human rights conventions, the potential for the relatively strong Protocol to
Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and
Children (otherwise known as the Palermo Protocol) to protect a broader
population of migrants is vast. One interpretation of the Protocol that could hold
promise is to focus on the “harboring” aspect of the definition rather than
“transporting,” as there are few if any cases of labor or other exploitation
where the perpetrator does not confine the victim in some sense.
By moving
away from a “transportation” focus, anti-trafficking approaches could also
become disentangled from the issue of undocumented migration, allowing a
greater focus on what truly matters at the end of the day: eliminating severe
forms of exploitation and helping the women, men, and children who have
suffered through horrific abuse in fields, homes, and brothels to rebuild their
This, of
course, is far easier said than done, as most governments are loathe to
acknowledge the need for, much less provide, services and rights for migrant
(particularly undocumented) populations – regardless of whether they have been
exploited or not. Moreover, the situation becomes even more complicated when
anti-prostitution laws and child labor laws come into play.
perennial dearth of data on human trafficking and forced labor was also a
significant focus of attention at the conference. Better understanding at-risk
populations, how survivors have fared over time, and how to provide quality
services for a broader population are pieces of an emerging research agenda
that focuses not on obtaining global figures, but rather conducting empirical,
in-depth studies that contribute to a more holistic and reliable narrative on
human trafficking.
Of course
the discussions unearthed more questions than answers – but these discussions
elevated important new ideas and boldly questioned some of the long-held
assumptions driving the global fight to end human trafficking. Thus, USC not
only advanced this important conversation in innovative ways, but also made new
connections among diverse members of the anti-trafficking community. Now
organizations like The Asia Foundation have an exciting and daunting task
ahead: put these new ideas into action.
Francis is associate director of The Asia Foundation’s Women’s Empowerment
Program in Washington, D.C. She can be reached The
views and opinions expressed here are those of the individual author and not
those of The Asia Foundation.
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